Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CaN't SLeeP...

Unfortunately these restless nights come far too often. I got into bed about 3 hours ago and couldn't feel more awake right now. Since the "dreams stealer" is my racing mind, what could be better than to empty it.
Finding my life balance has been something that I have personally been working on for the last few months. I am the type of person that when I am doing something I am dedicated to it. For instance, when I decide that I am going to start exercising on a daily basis I don't just go for a twenty minutes a couple of times a I go for long periods of time, everyday and sometimes twice a day. I love it. I love how I feel when I am running or walking, I love how I feel after, and therefore I want to do it all the time. Also, I am currently a student in my 4th year of college in a very demanding major. During the semesters I become totally ABSORBED in work, I work extremely hard for my grades, and will sacrifice all other things ("me time" and friend time, etc.) just to do work. This also goes for my faith...when I vow to read my bible daily, have my quiet time, prayer, journaling, etc. I go all out! All of these things separate sound great. I see that it is great that I work so hard, it is great that I work hard to be healthy, and more than anything it is great to be absorbed in my faith, but I wasn't living them all out together at the same time. I was only experiencing the extremes. This was unrealistic. About 7 months ago I began evaluating all of this. I recognized the patterns I was going through, and noticing my "breakdowns", my life was unbalanced! I have since been working really hard to find my life balance. I began to worry if I can't balance my faith, school, and health now, how am I going to be able to do it when kids, a husband, bills, a job, etc. are all in the mix. I realized my time is NOW, if I'm going to really learn how to live WELL, I need to learn now. And this is my journey...

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